Why are strengths important to engage someone with technology?
The strengths perspective has emerged as an alternative to the more common deficit model of supporting people. Instead of focusing on a person’s problems and what they can’t do, the strengths perspective centres on clients' abilities, talents, and resources. The strengths perspective is central to how we successfully engage older adults with technology.
When working with strengths we also:
- Focus on trusting, meaningful relationships
- Empower older adults to take the lead
- Work collaboratively on mutually agreed goals
- Create the right conditions and resources so an older adult’s capacity to learn and grow can be nurtured and realised, and
- Understand that older adults are doing the best they can in light of their experiences to date
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Strength spotting is recognising strengths in others to enhance their performance and is a key coaching skill.
To help identify strengths ask the question ‘What is your most positive experience?’ Listen carefully to the answer, focusing on and interpreting the key messages.