When we talk about ‘coaches’ in this training program, we do so in the broadest sense of the term. A coach may be a family member, a community volunteer or a paid professional.

It is important for older adults to be empowered to impart their wisdom and share their knowledge as part of the learning process. The role of the computer coach is to actively listen and acknowledge the older adult’s experiences.
Coaches should strive to create a relationship based on mutual respect and support.
Always try to undertake activities or projects based on personal goals or needs, whether they are small or large.
It’s important to remember this quote: “… I would like to learn what I need to know to achieve my purpose...”
As a coach, strive to bring “the World” to the older adult.
This could include:
- Communicating with family and friends
- Sharing photos, videos and playing music
- Visiting and learning about destinations around the world through Internet research
- Learning to play games